International Mini Meeting '00
What to Check

This is a list of stuff I will have checked on my Van when it get's it's pre-IMM service.
'When in doubt, replace!'

Use it at your own discretion.
Any additions you think I should make to this list ?
Let me know.

To Check Checked ?
Any irregularies noticed during normal day use X
Brakes, Pressure, Pads X
Carb & filter X
Clutch & master/slave cylinders (state of) X
Coil, Distributor, Points, 'Condensator', HT Leads X
Coolingsystem X
CV, Bearings, BallJoints X
Dynamo (Alternator ?), Battery X
Engine mounts & Tierods X
Electrical installation (no loose ends, bad connections etc) X
Fan Belt & Pulley's X
Fuelpump X
Grease up all moving parts. Tighten all non-moving parts X
In/Exhaust system (Sealed & Solid ?) X
Pedals, cables (handbrake, gas, choke, heater etc) X
Plugs X
Starter & Solenoid(?) X
Steering column & rack X
Timing chain X
Timing, Setup, Gaps (Analyzer)
Tires, Wheels, Suspension, alignment, setup, spare ? X
Windowwipers & -motor X