David Piacentini

This is a picture of  David Piacentini next to the infamous 'Mack Mini'.
As there are no 'decent' pix of his own Minis yet they will be featured here at a later date.

MiniMacknMe.jpg (64933 bytes)
David & 'Mack

At the time of this writing David is considering building a Mini trailer, using the pix below as examples of what could be done. Especially the Cooper trailer is too his liking.

CooperandTrailer.jpg (74813 bytes) trailer.jpg (67334 bytes) Trailertongue.jpg (63430 bytes) trailer1.jpg (59244 bytes) trailer2.jpg (48062 bytes) trailer3.jpg (73468 bytes)
Cooper... ...trailer... ...tongue Trailer Trailed Trailers