International Mini Meeting '00
What to bring

This is a list of stuff I plan to bring.
Use it at your own discretion.

The whole idea behind this list is not to get stuck on some trivial part failing.

The 2nd list lists additional stuff that might be sensible to bring.
The third list has the stuff you usually bring on holiday, or shouldn't forget, on it.
Any additions you think I should make to any of these lists ? Let me know.
X = Got it, / = Got most of it, - = Not getting it.

Tools Got it ?
AMP pliers + Shoes X
Bag 'O Tools /
Jack X
Multimeter X
Spark tester -
'Trivial' Parts Got it ?
Bulbs (2 sets of spare) X
Cables, Gas, Choke, Heater Gas
Can, tin X
Contact set, Dist. Cap, Rotor and Condensator X
Fanbelt X
Fluids (Oil, Water, Cooling, Dot4, Windscreen, Washing-up) X
Fuses (Euro- and Glass-/Inline-) X
Gaskets (full set of) Fluid
Jubilee clips (all sizes) X
Lights  (different kinds of (Roadside, HiLux, Pocket, Mapreading)) /
Oilfilter -
Pipes, Water (assorted pieces of) -
Plugs & HT-leads (set of) X
Tape (Duct-, insulation, std, PTFE) X
Tie-Rips (assorted) /X
Wire & Bolts (piece of) X
Wire, Electrical (assorted pieces of) X
Wire, Metal X
Additional car supplies Got it ?
Carton (pieces of) X
Cones, Small Orange -
Flashlight Orange X
Fuel canister (< 10L) X
Funnel -
Gloves (Work-, plastic-) X
Greases (assorted,  std, bearing, etc) -
Jumpercables X
Roadwork Coat
Tires (set of spare/winter) X
Tow-rope X
Warning Triangle X
Wood (pieces of) /
Additional equipment Got it ?
Fire extinguisher X
Medi-Kit X
Mobile X
Keys (set of spare) X


Non-trivial/questionable parts Got it ?
Axle Stands -
Balljoint & CV -
Coil X
Exhaustclamps -
Indicatorunit -
Lightswitch -
Pedal Pivot & Split Pin -/X
Seals, Drive shaft X
Sheet, Clear plastic (== temp windscreen)
Sumpscrew and Washer X
Tire-valves X
Wheelbearings X
Wheelnut brace bar X


Other stuff to bring Got it ?
AA/RAC/ANWB (foreign) coverage X
Adapter(s) X
Alarm Clock X
Bank-/Creditcard, Travelcheques X
Batteries (all kinds) X
Cigarettes (shag)
Clothing (warm) X
Country Sticker (White oval with black letters) X
Cutlery (+ openers, corkscrew etc) X
European accident report sheet (those blue things, multiple ? :) X
Glasses (spare pair of) X
Healthinsurance papers (+copies) X
Home guarded (plants, animals, mail etc)
Insect Repellent X
Insurance, Proof of valid ('green card') (+ copies) X
License & Registration (+ copies) X
List of names & important numbers (+ copies)
Medical supplies X
Passport (+ copies) X
Photocamera X
Reading material X
Roadmaps X
Sleepingbag & Tent & Airmattress X
Stereo & CD's X
Sunglasses X
Tickets N/A
Travelinsurance X
Unmentionables -