Dyno Day 20020316 - Van Data

Below are the charts with the results of my Van.
The session for my Van was the same as for the other Mini's and consisted of 4 runs.
The 1st (*.001) was a run in 3rd gear,
the 2nd (*.002) a run in 4th gear,
the 3rd (*.003) a run in All gears ('change up') and
the last (*.004) a Fast acceleration test were the engine is accelerated about 500rpm, then released for about 1000rpm and then again accelerated.

As mentioned, a (IMO very big) bonus was that we also got the test-data emailed, which can be analyzed with an app from DynoJet, the people that made the test-bench. Most of the graphs you see on these pages are derived from that application. It also means that if you'd like to see another graph, all you have to do is ask (and probably wait a while :). Unfortunately there is no international version of the app so no kW, km/h or Nm graphs are available (to me).

The graphs are just about all sensible varieties as measured at the wheels.
To convert various auto-motive figures, use this very useful page.

During the Rolling Road a 4-Gas test was also done, which provided some very insightful information.

RPM Speed (mph) Time(s)
Power (DIN HP)
3rd Gear rpm_pwr_3rd.jpg (92020 bytes)
4th Gear rpm_pwr_4th.jpg (106392 bytes)
All Gears rpm_pwr_all.jpg (112036 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All rpm_pwr_34all.jpg (129682 bytes)
3rd, 4th rpm_pwr_34.jpg (120132 bytes)
3rd, 4th & Fast rpm_pwr_34fast.jpg (138246 bytes)
3rd Gear spd_pwr_3rd.jpg (92050 bytes)
4th Gear spd_pwr_4th.jpg (105285 bytes)
All Gears spd_pwr_all.jpg (108633 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All spd_pwr_34all.jpg (141924 bytes)
3rd, 4th spd_pwr_34.jpg (118676 bytes)
3rd, 4th & Fast spd_pwr_34fast.jpg (136272 bytes)
Fast spd_pwr_fast.jpg (123765 bytes)
3rd Gear tm_pwr_3rd.jpg (97878 bytes)
4th Gear tm_pwr_4th.jpg (108887 bytes)
All Gears tm_pwr_all.jpg (104016 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All tm_pwr_34all.jpg (138519 bytes)
Torque (ft-lbs)
3rd Gear rpm_trq_3rd.jpg (91531 bytes)
4th Gear rpm_trq_4th.jpg (108129 bytes)
All Gears rpm_trq_all.jpg (102945 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All rpm_trq_34all.jpg (130972 bytes)
3rd, 4th & Fast rpm_trq_34fast.jpg (134560 bytes)
3rd Gear spd_trq_3rd.jpg (99949 bytes)
4th Gear spd_trq_4th.jpg (106657 bytes)
All Gears spd_trq_all.jpg (99457 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All spd_trq_34all.jpg (140280 bytes)
3rd, 4th & Fast spd_trq_34fast.jpg (137103 bytes)
3rd Gear tm_trq_3rd.jpg (92553 bytes)
4th Gear tm_trq_4th.jpg (110033 bytes)
All Gears tm_trq_all.jpg (95622 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All tm_trq_34all.jpg (135660 bytes)
3rd Gear spd_rpm_3rd.jpg (97230 bytes)
4th Gear spd_rpm_4th.jpg (106726 bytes)
All Gears spd_rpm_all.jpg (106328 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All spd_rpm_34all.jpg (142578 bytes)
3rd Gear tm_rpm_3rd.jpg (106081 bytes)
4th Gear tm_rpm_4th.jpg (107369 bytes)
All Gears tm_rpm_all.jpg (100580 bytes)
3rd, 4th & All tm_rpm_34all.jpg (136840 bytes)


(c) 2002 Anne, BCCP, DynoJet