
Here are some reports and pictures of the Mini-events I've attended through the years.
More and more will be added over time, as I get the reports about events held written up, the pictures of them scanned and of course because I still take part in events every now and then. You can access them grouped by type of event or  in chronological order.

Date Event
24-27th May 1996 IMM 1996
13th Sept 1998 NMM '98
23rd Oct 1998 Mini-MLM (8.6 Beta)
14th Nov 1998 Sweet Mini Club Luxembourg Rally
7th Mar 1999 Dutch Mini Mailinglist Meet 3
28th Mar 1999 STV 28th March 1999
16th May 1999 London 2 Brighton Run
4-6 June 1999 MLM Spa-Francorchamps
26th June 1999 Dutch ini Mailinglist Meet BBQ
13-22th Aug 1999 IMM '99 / 40th Celeb.
23rd Jan 2000 STV of 23rd of Jan 2000
7 May 2000 Seven Centre Mei Rit
21 May 2000 London 2 Brighton Run
8-12th June 2000 IMM 2000
10th Sept 2000 NMM 2000
23rd Sept 2000 Dutch Mini Mailinglist Funeral
14th Oct 2000 DoDa 2000
1-4th June 2001 IMM 2001
17th June 2001 Dutch Mini Mailinglist Record Attempt
9th Sept 2001 NMM 2001
13th Oct 2001 DoDa 2001
16th March 2002 Dutch Mini Mailinglist DynoDay
24-27th May 2002 IMM 2002