The M.I.N.I. List Mug Shot Page

The M.I.N.I. List is an e-mail based discussion list for Mini fans. But, because it's e-mail and truly international, people don't always know what people look like. So, partly for curiosity sake and for the purpose of Mini Meets, here is the M.I.N.I. List Mug Shot Page. If you are a Lister and would like to join, send me a picture and some words about yourself and I'll add you. Easy as that.

To save on download time I've spread the pictures over eight pages. Below is an index of those pages so you can see who is on each of them. I've split it alphabetically based on the first word that appears in the 'sender box' of that persons e-mail. I've then put a hyperlink on each name to take you straight to that person.

More information about Listers can be found on the Who's Who site, created by Nige.

Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four
Adam Rubie
Ade and Helene
Andy in Belgium
Andy Murray
Andy Smith
Andrew Whitmore
Angus Grant
Bales, Nicholas A
Boris Shapiro
Brett Nicholson
Colin Sutton
Con Torrisi
Craig Watson
Dave Currie
Dave MacLeod
David Betts
Francisco Nogueira
George N. Argyris
Graham Parkinson
Ian (Spag) Moore
John Lieberman
Page Five Page Six Page Seven Page Eight
John Middleton
Kenn Lively
Marcin Dobrucki
Marcel Chichak
Matt Osman
Max Lock
Neville Rasmussen
Nige + Badger
Paul Hampton
Paul Dix
Pete and Jo
Peter Tucker
Rachel Harness
Richard Hince
Rileyelf - AKA Drew
Rob James
Rocky Frisco
Schwentner Christian Odo
Scott A Beavis
Simon 'Mojo' Knock
Steve Dix
Steve Prior
Susanne Gross
Terry Colborne
Theo van den Bogaard

The people in this article are either members of the M.I.N.I. List, the Mini-List or both. They are email based discussion groups devoted to the old Mini. If you would like to join, send me an email and I'll give you details on joining, or visit their websites: or